man brows

Male EyeBrow Restoratio

The question came up after an eyebrow post by Utah Microblading. Can guys get their eyebrows done? Is it against some unwritten, testosterone spurred rule? Will you think less of a man if he got his eyebrows microbladed? Will he look like he has makeup on? If you spend any time on Instagram looking for examples of well done permanent makeup you are bound to come across some amazing work done on…yes, men!

It would be an inaccurate statement to say that men who want eyebrows are feminine or vain. After much research and surveying of our own male clients we have concluded that even men need eyebrow! Age, genetics, skin disorders etc can all play a role on human hair loss. This hair loss extends to eyebrows and men as well as women. Here are a few samples of male Microblading. You be the judge of its efficacy!

Male Eyebrows
Male eyebrow Restoration
Male eyebrow Microblading